Sunday, 15 August 2010

It's still not that exciting!

No, sirree, it's not. Life's been bobbling along in its usual way, and the only thing I have of note to report is that my new suit jacket will be happily returned to me from the alteration's lady tomorrow. Hurray for a double-breasted grey suit! I'll post pictures of it when it's returned to me.

I'm unsure as to whether to wear it to London or to opt for my black pinstriped three piece. I can only wear one suit, but I'll pack two pairs of shoes and those are my white 'dance' shoes, and the trusty Oxfords. These will be safely secured in the smaller of my two vintage cases. I'll be taking the picnic gramophone along too.

Oh, wait, I forgot. The internet doesn't know why I'm going to London. I'm going to London for the happy reunion of the crowd I met at the Eton College Universities Summer School 2010,  which I attended for the last two weeks of Sixth Form term. They're some jolly good people, really. If I get to Cambridge, hopefully I'll meet some of them again properly - whoopee!

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